Neaclear Liquid Oxygen Facial Cleanser 8-Ounce Package


  • oxygenates your skin as it deep-cleanses
  • rinses easily while not irritating delicate skin
  • improves hydration and does not dry or chafe skin
  • easily and effictively removes makeup
  • recommended by plastic surgeons and dermatologists!

List Price: $14.99
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Product Description
The largest organ in your body is your skin...but we need to go deeper. neaclear can deliver nutrition that goes beyond the surface. the difference becomes immediately obvious. We believe that true skin health is not merely the absence of aging and sun damage, but the presence of optimal physical, mental, and emotional well being. therefore, we provide our clients the most advanced therapies for preventing and reversing the skin aging process, preventing chronic sun damage and optimizing their skin health, one day at a time... Truly beautiful skin - well into your mature years - is a product of health and self-pampering. By self-pampering, we do not mean a day at the spa, even though that feels pretty nice. we mean making choices every single day that reflect your commitment to yourself and to your body. taking proper care of your body means the right nourishment, keeping it in great shape, and having a positive attitude. healthy skin is a goal worth striving for, but so is a healthy you.

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